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windows 7 and server 8 end of life


Everything has a shelf life.   We are all used to it.  When we go food shopping, the first thing we look at when we pick up a carton of milk is the expiration date.  We all know that if we consume something past the expiration date there is a very good chance of getting seriously ill.

Technology products also have a shelf life, or “life cycle” as it is called in the industry. When a technology product reaches its expiration date it is called “end of life date”. If it sounds ominous that’s because it is.

If you continue to use Windows 7 past the end of life date, you will be vulnerable to security risks

The expiration dates for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 are only a few months away. If you don’t start planning your migration now, you and your business will be facing a lot more than an upset stomach.

Is Your Migration Plan In Place?

Operating System End Of Life
Windows 7 January 14th, 2020
Windows Server 2008 January 14th, 2020
Office 2010 October 13th, 2020
Windows Server 2012 January 10th, 2023
Windows 8 / 8.1 January 10th, 2023
Office 2013 April 11th, 2023
Windows 10 October 14th, 2025
Office 2016 October 14th, 2025

Microsoft is not taking responsibility for any security breaches after the end of life date

If you continue to use Windows 7 past the end of life date, you will be vulnerable to security risks. The implications for businesses are enormous.  You have invested a lot of resources to protect your business and its assets, Don’t you think it would be rather foolish to get hacked because you are running your business on software that is out of date?

You either migrate or suffer the consequences

Windows 7 End-of-life migration strategy

Windows Server 2008 end of life Security concerns

Microsoft is not only stopping support for Windows 7 but Windows Server 2008 as well. January 14th, 2020 is also the end date for the 2008 Server which means no more updates!

You can bet that network attacks will see a dramatic spike right after the EOL date. Why take the risk?

Besides updating the software, you might have to resolve compatibility issues can develop a risk assessment and migration plan to make sure the transition from Windows 7 to Windows 10 goes smoothly!.

Mitigate future risk with an Atlantic Global Connect Station offers a best in class Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) that mitigates the risk of physical storage loss (e.g. laptop or mobile device lost/stolen).

Atlantic Global connect - mitigate software end-of-life risk

All data is stored in the cloud or hosted our a state-of-the-art facility that is managed by our highly-skilled IT experts. You will never have to worry about lost data again or an operating system reaching the end of life status. For more information got to Atlantic GCS